Systemic Instructional Review
Advancing Student Success
During 2023-24, the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) hired WestEd, a private consulting firm, to identify strengths and recommend opportunities for greater student success in the San Lorenzo Unified School District (SLZUSD). They visited schools, interviewed administrators, and met with employees, families, and community partners.
In October 2024, WestEd shared its comprehensive assessment, called a Systemic Instructional Review (SIR), with the district. Key measures were standardized test scores, student absenteeism, rates of graduation and suspension, and college and career attainment, as well as social and emotional well-being. These findings have spurred SLZUSD's ongoing commitment to the success of all students, guided by both its Local Control Accountability Plan and its Strategic Plan for 2023-2027.
The district's ability to elevate academic outcomes for high-priority groups of underserved students by 2026 will determine whether ACOE suspends or intensifies its current oversight assistance to SLZUSD.
Systemic Instructional Review (SIR)
Final Report
Click on the links below to read the full 45-page report, "Systemic Instructional Review: Final Report", prepared by the educational consulting firm WestEd on behalf of the Alameda County Office of Education:
Recommendations Summary
(Abbreviated from the full report text)
District Vision, Alignment & Coherence
- Strengthen and align central office leadership.
- Identify district priorities and initiatives to focus on.
- Promote alignment of instructional practices across all schools.
Safe & Supportive Learning Environments
- Build a clear understanding of behavior expectations and restorative practices districtwide.
- Establish uniform cell phone policies across all school environments.
- Develop a program to support newcomer students' cultural and academic transitions.
Professional Learning
- Collaborate with labor partners to create a comprehensive professional development plan, focused on newly adopted curricula and equity practices.
Data Use & Human Resources
- Implement common local assessments across all schools.
- Create districtwide systems for collecting and using academic and social-emotional data to support instruction.
- Measure the impact and effectiveness of programs and use data to allocate resources.
Facilities & Human Resources
- Address facility issues to improve learning conditions and staff retention.
- Develop targeted recruitment efforts for teachers, especially in special education, focused on diversity.
Communications & Family Engagement
- Improve transparency through updates to the employee handbook, website, and school communication standards.
- Clearly communicate family engagement policies, including for classroom visit opportunities.
- Establish clear communication processes for families of students with IEPs or 504 plans to ensure timely, responsive support from teachers.
Key Strengths Identified