Data & Assessment » 2016-2017 Data Dashboards

2016-2017 Data Dashboards

Ethnicity, Free and Reduced Lunch status, Home Language and English Learner status
Attendance classification and number of suspensions/number of days
Fall, Winter and Spring results from NWEA's Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth in Reading and Math for students in grades 2 through 10, including proximity to national norms and average growth
For more information about NWEA MAP Growth, click here and/or here
Results from the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) in English-Language Arts (ELA) and Math for students in grades 3 through 8 and 11.
For more information about CAASPP, click here and/or here
To learn more about the test, grade level standards and how to help your student, click here
Results from the California State University (CSU) Early Assessment Program (EAP) for students in grade 11 as measured via their performance on the CAASPP
For more information about EAP, click here
Grade 12 students who met course entrance requirements (a-g) for the CSU system
For more information about a-g requirements, click here
For English 9 and Math 1
High school students who were enrolled in 1 or more Advanced Placement (AP) courses
Results for students who took AP tests
The California School Dashboard is the official State data viewing tool
To view a summary of the data and/or the data files, click here
To view the Five-by-Five color coded dashboards, click here
DataQuest is the California Department of Education's platform for school, district, county and state data from various assessments and programs Ed Data provides additional data dashboards with student demographics and achievement, as well as school climate and district financials