Reopening Updates » COVID Guidelines for Families

COVID Guidelines for Families

The San Lorenzo Unified School District follows Alameda County Public Health Department (ACPHD) COVID guidelines.


If a student (or employee) experiences COVID symptoms, the recommendation is they get tested. If they test positive, they should:


  • Stay home until they have not had a fever for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND other COVID-19 symptoms are mild and improving. 
    • Day 0 is the first day the person experienced COVID symptoms, or if the person has not experienced any symptoms, Day 0 is the date of their positive test.
    • Families/employees are not responsible for providing proof of a negative test to return.
  • Seek treatment. If you have symptoms, contact a healthcare provider as soon as you test positive, especially if you are at higher risk for severe COVID-19.
  • Individuals who return to school/work are asked to wear a mask when around other people indoors for 10 days after becoming sick or testing positive. You may remove your maks sooner than 10 days if you have two negative tests at least one day apart. on Day 6 or after are advised to remain masked through Day 10.
  • Avoid contact with people at higher risk for severe COVID-19 for 10 days. Higher-risk individuals include the elderly and those who live in congregate care facilities.

If you have any additional COVID-specific questions, families should contact the school office, and employees should contact their supervisor. Please remember, you can be infectious two days before symptoms begin or, if you text positive, through Day 10. Day 0 is the date of symptoms or a positive test.


(Updated: 1/29/24)