Educational Services » Educational Services

Educational Services


The Mission of the Educational Services Department is to promote student achievement and engagement for all students in Transitional Kindergarten through High School in San Lorenzo Unified School District.  We support quality academic programs through research based curriculum and professional development.  Our Department offers specific support to the model of Balanced Literacy and Language, as well as the model of Academic Discourse. We ensure and encourage parent engagement through multiple opportunities for involvement.  We also provide support for each school to increase the efficacy of teaching and support staff. Lastly, we ensure adequate oversight and monitoring for state and federal programs through multiple systems of assessment.

Administrative Staff

Lama, Renee 510-317-4712 Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Bloch, Neal (510) 317-4759 Director, Data, Assessment & Inquiry
Moore, Kevin (510) 317-4714 Coordinator, Grants, and Compliance
Dwyer, Kai (510) 317-4711 Director, Secondary Education
Noble, Kimberly (510) 317-4726 Director, Elementary Education
Patrick, Robert (510) 317-4734 Coordinator, English Learner Programs
Crawford, Allison (510) 317-4674 Coordinator, SLC/College & Career

Educational Services Staff

Wood, Paula (510) 317-4712     Executive Assistant
Beles, Sylvia (510) 317-4711 Administrative Assistant
Casey, Megan (510) 317-4752 Library Media Technician
Feng, Carrie (510) 317-4709 District Translator/Interpreter
Flores, Monica (510) 317-4708 SLC, Senior Office Assistant
Garcia, Lynda (510) 317-4740 Senior District Translator/Interpreter
Molzen, Kaila (510) 317-4707 Teacher Induction Program Liaison
Collins, Litzia   TSA for English Language Acquisition 
Melissa Martinez (510) 317-4726 Administrative Assistant
Huerta, Angelica (510) 317-4710 Administrative Assistant
Perez, Hector (510) 317-4703 Data Assessment and Support Technician 
Rodriguez, Erika (510) 317-4701 District Translator/Interpreter

Education Code and Policies for Parents/Guardians