Educational Services » Physical Education Standards

Physical Education Standards

California Physical Education Standards

All of our physical education teachers base their lessons and activities on the California Physical Education Standards. These standards are designed to support student health and wellness.

California Physical Fitness Testing

Public school students in grades five, seven, and nine are required to take the Physical Fitness Test (PFT), whether or not they are enrolled in a physical education class.  Schools must also test all students in alternate programs, including, but not limited to, continuation schools, independent study, community day schools, county community schools, and nonpublic schools. Students who are physically unable to take the entire test battery are to be given as much of the test as his or her condition will permit. (Education Code (EC) Section 60800 and the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 1041).

The PFT provides information that can be used by (1) students to assess and plan personal fitness programs; (2) teachers to design the curriculum for physical education programs; and (3) parents and guardians to understand their children’s fitness levels. This program also provides results that are used to monitor changes in the physical fitness of California students. By law (EC Section 60800), all LEAs in California are required to administer the PFT annually to all students in grades five, seven, and nine.

The FITNESSGRAM®is composed of the following six fitness areas, with a number of test options provided for most areas:

  1. Aerobic Capacity
  • PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run)
  • One-Mile Run
  • Walk Test (only for ages 13 or older)
  1. Abdominal Strength and Endurance
  • Curl-Up
  1. Upper Body Strength and Endurance
  • Push-Up
  • Modified Pull-Up
  • Flexed-Arm Hang
  1. Body Composition
  • Skinfold Measurements
  • Body Mass Index
  • Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer
  1. Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
  • Trunk Lift
  1. Flexibility
  • Back-Saver Sit and Reach
  • Shoulder Stretch

The FITNESSGRAM® uses objective criteria to evaluate performance for each fitness area (e.g., body composition, abdominal strength, and endurance). The Cooper Institute established these criteria using current research and expert opinions. These criteria represent a level of fitness that offers some protection against the diseases associated with physical inactivity.


Results of the physical fitness tests are available for each student. Results will be mailed home to families in the fall after the spring testing.