Secondary Education » College & Career Ready

College & Career Ready

SLZUSD Graduate Profile

Virtual College Tours
If you are interested in exploring colleges, universities, including community colleges, open the file below and explore.  

San Lorenzo Unified - District High School Course Catalogue

The following document presents important information about the high school experience...including courses available to our students.
College & Career Exploration Tool logo - Hosted by California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI)
What can students do with
  • College and major exploration
  • Career exploration and assessments
  • Financial aid information
  • Launch college applications directly from!  For CSU and UC applications, classes and grades will be transferred into the application!*
*Only for students who have authorized release of data to CCGI in Aeries data confirmation through the parent portal.


High School Graduation Requirements since January 2018
SLZUSD Graduate Profile - Letter to our Community
Resources Available via Member Organizations

The Career Academy Support Network has a collection of resources on career academies, which are a common delivery model for Linked Learning.

ConnectEd: The California Center for College and Career has compiled a collection of helpful Linked Learning resources.

NAF Network of Academies A national network of over 500 high school career academies supported by the National Academy Foundation.