Technology Integration Services » Flipgrid for Educators

Flipgrid for Educators

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Flipgrid is a video discussion platform from Microsoft that helps educators see and hear from every student in class and foster fun and supportive social learning. In Flipgrid, educators can post discussion prompts and students respond with short videos, whether they are learning in class or at home.

Step by Step Guide

Step 1:  Sign up and Create a Topic

Go to and sign up with your Microsoft account. Use your school provided email to sign up and provide some information about yourself and school.Flipgrid : Example of a Topic

Step 2: Create a Topic

To create Topic, add the Topic Title and prompt for your students.  

A Topic is a discussion prompt for your students! Just write a prompt and include anything you would like your students to review prior to responding, such as videos and links. Topic Media is a good way to add reference material links, an image, or GIF to your topic.

Step 3: Set Access and Share

Flipgrid: Share a Topic

After creating your Topic, choose how learners will access it. Share your Topic by using one of the share buttons or copy and paste the unique Join Code with your learners in a different platform, such as email.

After entering your Join Code, learners gain access by logging in via email or username. Your students can respond to your Topic with a short video, using our fun, social media style camera. Students can watch and comment on videos from peers, with you as the educator in complete control.

Flipgrid Resources 

Discover available resources that will help empower student engagement  with Flipgrid for educators. Below list just a few of the resources available and more can be found in the Flipgrid Help Center: 

Getting Started Guide   Professional Development   Remote Learning   Flipgrid + Canvas - Guide   Additional Resources for Educators 

Need additional help? Visit the Flipgrid Help Center
Flipgrid Help Center