Secondary Education » Social Studies

Social Studies

Secondary Social Studies Overview
The Secondary Social Studies Team is dedicated to providing San Lorenzo Unified School District students with a curriculum that reflects the 2016 Social Studies Framework. These standards emphasize content development, learning through inquiry and literacy, and the creation of strong citizens.Full 2016 Social Studies Framework.
April 2020 - Middle School Materials Review Needed!

Over the past year the Middle School Materials Adoption Committee has reviewed middle school social studies curriculum. We are interested in feedback from our community before we make the final decision to adopt. The Middle School Materials adoption committee would like to adopt the Teachers Curriculum Institute (TCI) Social Studies material for grades 6-8. Please provide any feedback you would like to share through the TCI program survey,  which includes an instructional overview and feedback questions. If you would like to further explore the program, please see below for a login providing a 'demo' of the program. 


Social Studies Adopted Materials, 2018-2019 (Grades 9-12)
10th World History
11th US History
National Geographic
12th Government
McGraw Hill
12th Economics
Houghton Mifflin
Teacher Social Studies Distance Learning Resources
Please see here for Social Studies Teacher Website for Distance Learning Resources. 
Social Studies Resources for Parents
General Parents Guide for Social Studies (k-12)- Great Resource for Distance Learning!
  • Social Studies Brainpop: A quiz program on social studies content. (SLZ google account includes a subscription)
  • Khan Academy: General overview of many different areas of study. Please note, this is a reference collection
  • Newslea: A program that provides students with reading level aligned current event articles. (SLZ google account includes a subscription)
  • New York Times Social Studies Page: An education page that tailors current events for students. 
Inquiry and Citizenship
  • Question Formulation Technique: Resources for Parents to help their students develop strong questions in Social Studies.
  • Teaching Tolerance: Provides inquiry questions that guide students to become more engaged and active participants in their community.