Technology Integration Services » Employee Responsible Technology Use Policy

Employee Responsible Technology Use Policy


Board Policy 4040(b)

Adopted 5/5/2020 

The Governing Board recognizes that technological resources can enhance employee performance by offering effective tools to assist in providing a quality instructional program, facilitating communications with parents/guardians, students, and the community, supporting district and school operations and improving access to and exchange of information.  The Board expects all employees to learn to use the available technological resources that will assist them in the performance of their job responsibilities.  As needed, employees shall receive professional development in the appropriate use of these resources.


Appropriate Use

    • Employees shall be responsible for the appropriate use of technology and shall use the district’s technological resources primarily for purposes related to their employment.
    • District technology includes, but is not limited to, computers, the district's computer network including servers and wireless computer networking technology (wi-fi), the Internet, email, USB drives, wireless access points (routers), tablet computers, smartphones and smart devices, telephones, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants, pagers, MP3 players, wearable technology, any wireless communication device including emergency radios, and/or future technological innovations, whether accessed on or off site or through district-owned or personally owned equipment or devices.
    • Employees shall not use district technology to access, post, submit, publish, or display harmful or inappropriate matter that is threatening, obscene, disruptive, sexually explicit, or unethical or that promotes any activity prohibited by law, Board policy, or administrative regulations.
    • Harmful matter includes matter, taken as a whole, which to the average person, applying contemporary statewide standards, appeals to the prurient interest and is matter which depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct and which lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. (Penal Code 313)
    • Employees shall report any security problem or misuse of district technology to the Superintendent or designee.
    • Inappropriate use of district technology may result in a cancellation of the employee's user privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulations.
Responsible Technology Use 
    • The Superintendent/designee shall establish administrative regulations for Employee Responsible Technology Use which outlines employee obligations and responsibilities related to the use of technology. They also may establish guidelines and limits on the use of technological resources.  Inappropriate use may result in cancellation of the employee’s user privileges, disciplinary action, and/or legal action in accordance with law, Board policy, and administrative regulation.
    • The Superintendent or designee shall provide copies of related policies, regulations, and guidelines to all employees who use the District’s technological resources.  Employees who fail to abide by these regulations may be subject to disciplinary action, revocation of the user account, and/or legal action as appropriate.

No Expectations of Privacy

    • The Superintendent or designee shall notify employees in writing that they have no reasonable expectation of privacy in the use of any equipment or other technological resources provided by or maintained by the district, including, but not limited to, computer files, email, text messages, instant messaging, and other electronic communications, even when provided their own password.
    • In addition, employees shall be notified that records maintained on any personal device or messages sent or received on a personal device that is being used to conduct district business may be subject to disclosure, pursuant to a subpoena or other lawful request.

Online/Internet Services

    • The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that all district computers with Internet access have a technology protection measure that prevents access to visual depictions that are obscene or child pornography and that the operation of such measures is enforced.  The Superintendent or designee may disable the technology protection measure during use by an adult to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose. (20 USC 7131; 47 USC 254) 
    • To ensure proper use, the Superintendent/designee may monitor employee usage of technological resources, including the accessing of e-mail and stored files.  Monitoring may occur at any time without advance notice or consent. When passwords are used for District accounts and devices, they must be known to the Superintendent or designee so that they may have system access.

Use of Cellular Phone or Mobile Communications Device

    • An employee shall not use a cellular phone or other mobile communications device for personal business while on duty, except in emergency situations and/or during scheduled work breaks.
    • An employee that uses a cell phone or mobile communications device in violation of law, Board policy, or administrative regulation may be subject to discipline and may be referred to law enforcement officials as appropriate.

Password Usage

    • The Superintendent or designee shall establish guidelines for strong password creation, the protection of password, and the frequency of change.                       



Administrative Regulations AR 4040 (b)

Adopted 5/5/2020


The San Lorenzo Unified School District authorizes district employees to use technology owned or otherwise provided by the district as necessary to fulfill the requirements of their position. The use of district technology is a privilege permitted at the district's discretion and is subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in applicable Board policies, administrative regulations, and this Acceptable Use Agreement. The District reserves the right to suspend access at any time, without notice, for any reason.



    • “District Technology” District technology includes, but is not limited to, computers, the district's computer network including servers and wireless computer networking technology (Wi-Fi), the Internet, email, storage drives, wireless access points and routers, mobile computers, smartphones and smart devices, telephones, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants, pagers, wearable technology, any wireless communication device including emergency radios, and/or future technological innovations related to computing or communication, whether accessed on or off site or through district-owned or personally owned equipment or devices.
    • “Internet access” means any and all access to the Internet provided through the district Systems including, but not limited to, onsite and remote access to the district’s computer servers.
    • “Employee” means any person who is being paid for their services out of district funds.


Communications and computer technology in the district are provided and maintained for instructional, educational, and administrative purposes only.  The following guidelines implement Board Policy 4040(b), Employee Responsible Technology Use, and govern the use of these technologies by employees during the performance of their duties.

Access to Technology Equipment and Services

    • Access to technology is provided to facilitate the instructional and administrative tasks performed by district employees and volunteers. The level of access provided will coincide with the requirements of each employee’s job functions and related collective bargaining agreements.
    • The employee in whose name district technology is issued is responsible for its proper use at all times. Employees shall not share their assigned online services account information, passwords, or other information used for identification and authorization purposes, and shall use the system only under the account to which they have been assigned. Employees shall not gain unauthorized access to the files or equipment of others, access electronic resources by using another person's name or electronic identification, or send anonymous electronic communications. Furthermore, employees shall not attempt to access any data, documents, emails, or programs in the district's system for which they do not have authorization.
    • Employees shall have no expectation of privacy when using district-provided communications tools.  Any message, file, data, document, facsimile, or  other form of information accessed, transmitted to, received from, or stored on any technology owned, leased, used, maintained, moderated or otherwise operated by the district or its clients, is not private and is the property of the district; including but not limited to email, voicemail, instant/text messaging, and other electronic communications.  The creation or use of a password by an employee on district technology does not create a reasonable expectation of privacy.
    • To ensure proper use, the Superintendent/designee may monitor and record the district’s technological resources, including email, voicemail systems and Internet usage, at any time without advance notice or consent.  The district also has software and systems in place that monitor and record all Internet/Intranet usage.
    • Emails and other electronic communications pertaining to the business of the District generally are deemed to be public records and must be disclosed to members of the public upon request, unless the records are specifically exempt from disclosure under the California Public Records Act.  Moreover, documents may be subject to disclosure by subpoena or other legal process.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the District endeavors to maintain the confidentiality of its internal email system and other electronically stored information, and employees are expected to respect that confidentiality. The technology should not be used to transmit confidential information about students, employees, or District business. Employees should be familiar with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), which prohibits school officials, including all staff, from disclosing students' personally identifiable information (“PII”) from education records to third parties without parental consent.  Personally identifiable information includes but is not limited to student name, school assigned student identification number, email address, phone number, ethnicity, and grade level. All district email communications must be done using the district’s issued email account, and any electronic file related to district business must be stored within the district’s network infrastructure for storage and data or district provided device.

Acceptable Use  

    • It is a general policy that district technology be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner in support of education, business and/or research and within the educational program and goals of the District.  The use of electronic information resources is a privilege, not a right. Each user is personally responsible for this provision at all times when using electronic information services.
    • Employees are prohibited from using district technology for improper purposes, including, but not limited to, use of district technology to:
      • Access, post, display, or otherwise use material that is discriminatory, defamatory, obscene, sexually explicit, harassing, intimidating, threatening, or disruptive
      • Disclose or in any way cause to be disclosed confidential or sensitive district, employee, or student information without prior authorization from a supervisor
      • Engage in personal commercial or other for-profit activities without permission of the Superintendent or designee
      • Engage in unlawful use of district technology for political lobbying
      • Infringe on copyright, license, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property rights
      • Intentionally disrupt or harm district technology or other district operations (such as destroying district equipment, placing a virus on district computers, adding or removing a computer program without permission, changing settings on shared computers)
      • Install unauthorized software, including applications
      • Engage in or promote unethical practices or violate any law or Board policy, administrative regulation, or district practice.
    • Site administrators, department heads or cabinet members may set more restrictive guidelines for employees in their area of responsibility.
    • Employees shall immediately report to the site administrator or supervisor any known illegal or inappropriate use of district technology, as determined by this Administrative Regulation, Board Policy 4040 (b), and all related laws.
    • The District reserves the right to use filters and/or barriers to block access to websites accessible via the Internet that may contain material that is illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive to some people.  Employees shall report inappropriate Internet Websites to Technology and Integration Services Department (TIS) so that it can be determined if the site can or should be blocked.
    • If there is any doubt as to the appropriate use of a District-provided electronic system, employees should review the use in advance with a supervisor and/or a Director of the TIS Department.
    • Employees, when applicable, will supervise students while they are using online services as well as preview online materials and searches in advance of instruction in an effort to prevent unintentional access to inappropriate matter on the Internet. Teachers and those employees supporting student learning will follow Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) rules and ensure students are taught appropriate lessons on cyber safety, digital citizenship, online behavior, and other topics covered in lessons provided by the District.

Proper Care

    • It is required that staff is responsible for proper care, use, and operation of District issued equipment.
    • If an employee becomes aware of any security problem (such as any compromise of the confidentiality of any login or account information) or misuse of district technology, they shall immediately report such information to the Superintendent or designee and the Director of TIS.
    • Users will not attempt repairs to District technology equipment without authorization or support from TIS. Volunteers, parents, family members, or friends are not authorized to attempt repairs on District equipment.
    • Users will not install or modify applications without approval and support of the District TIS Department.  Any unauthorized changes to systems, operating software, application software, or hardware configurations will be reversed when discovered by TIS staff.  File-sharing software cannot be installed or used on District computers for the purpose of illegally sharing copyrighted materials such as music, images, and software.
    • Users may add educational apps to Chromebooks as they are bookmarks and do not modify the device.
    • In order to ensure proper configuration and to safeguard network security and performance, users should not attach computers, IoT devices, tablets, printers, network equipment (including wireless access points, Apple TVs, routers and mini-hubs), or other types of hardware to the District's network without prior written approval and support of the TIS Department.  Attaching personally owned technology equipment to District hardware or to the District network is not allowed. Any equipment found to be in violation of this policy will be immediately disconnected and removed.
    • The District does not assume responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to any electronic equipment not owned by the District. School officials and District office staff are not required to investigate lost or stolen personal electronic equipment. The safety and security of employee owned electronic devices such as laptops, Kindles, Smartphones, Chromebooks, tablets, iPads, etc. are the sole responsibility of the owner/user.
    • All portable devices such as laptops, IoT devices, tablets, Chromebooks, mobile devices, projectors, or cameras will be checked out with a Technology Check-out Form. All devices will be kept updated through regular connectivity to the District network or through alternate means.
    • Employees are discouraged from loading personal data and apps to a District issued mobile device, if the device is transitioned to another user the app or data may be lost.
    • Employees are discouraged from loading sensitive or confidential data onto the District issued mobile device unless instructed otherwise in writing.
    • Any employee using a District-issued iOS device (iPad) must create an Apple ID with their email address to purchase any apps with site or District funds. The password for this account must be made available to the site administration for access to the purchased apps.

Personal Responsibility

    • All technology equipment is District property and is provided for instructional or administrative use only.   Any incidental personal use of district technology shall not interfere with district business and operations, the work and productivity of any district employee, or the safety and security of district technology. 
    • Employees shall not store personal files or applications on District media, hardware, or network resources.
    • The use of a personal wireless network connection on District property is not allowed where students are present and able to view unfiltered content during school hours or at school sponsored events.
    • The use of personally owned devices, such as laptops, Smartphones, tablets, or other electronic signaling devices, by employees is subject to all applicable District policies and regulations concerning technology use, as well as the following rules and understandings:
      • All costs for data plans and fees associated with personal mobile devices are the responsibility of the employee.
      • Mobile devices with Internet access capabilities, which are being harnessed for classroom instructional purposes, are required to use the District filtered guest network.
      • Employees are required to use their District issued individual account to access the guest network at all times. 
      • Employees may not photograph, videotape, or otherwise record assessment materials or site activities without providing notice to the persons being recorded.

User Account Security and Password

    • To maintain security, users are issued individual account credentials to enable their access to District equipment and resources. All users are required to use their District issued individual account credential. The Superintendent/designee may reset any users’ password to gain access to or make modifications to a system.
    • All passwords created for or used on any district technology are the sole property of the district. The creation or use of a password by an employee on district technology does not create a reasonable expectation of privacy.
    • Many users, especially at school sites, will be sharing systems as part-time users. All users must utilize their individual account credentials when accessing District owned equipment.  A user will not share his or her individual credentials with any user.  A user will not utilize any other user’s account credentials to gain access to any technology equipment unless it is authorized by the Superintendent/designee.
    • Each employee is responsible for keeping all individualized account credentials secure and private.  Employees are required to notify a supervisor and TIS if it is suspected that individualized account credentials have been compromised. Employees shall not write down passwords and keep where other users can find.  Passwords should be changed regularly, per the District’s Password Protocol established by TIS department.  More information regarding the District’s “Password Protocol” can be found at:

Use of Email

    • All email messages, as all paper documents, are the property of the District and are subject to office policy, procedures, and control.  As such, the District has the right to review them at any time.  Messages need to include a pertinent subject line. Messages must pertain to the business of the organization, be brief and concise and should not contain profanity, racial or sexual slurs, or other unprofessional language.  Commercial or political use of email is prohibited.
    • Employees are responsible for any messages sent using their email account.
    • The use of email distribution groups should be limited to those groups that are in direct alignment with a staff member’s physical placement or job classification(s). Messages or announcements to groups outside of these criteria or to multiple distribution groups will be approved and sent by the supervisor. Announcements, such as birth, death, marriage or retirement notices are to be sent only within the division or site, unless prior approval is obtained from a Cabinet representative or their designee to send it to other divisions or sites.
    • Emails and other electronic files shall be retained in accordance with the District Policy on Records Retention. Emails are backed up and are retained for 18 months.   After that time, records will be properly destroyed or may not be accessible.
    • SPAM is defined as unwanted, non-business email either being sent into the District or sent by someone within the District. Messages of this nature can include chain letters, cartoons, or advertisements. The District has in place a spam filter, although very effective, spam still passes through the system. To report unwanted spam contact HELPSTAR.  If you do not recognize a sender of a message in your inbox or anything else looks odd about the message, delete the message, it may be spam or a phishing attempt.
    • Email communication between teacher and parent is an effective means to enhance home to school communication. No parents or students will send email on behalf of the teacher. All parent distribution group emails should be placed in the “bcc” field of the message to protect parent email address confidentiality as well as to prevent the “reply all” option.
    • Employees will not attempt to interfere with other users’ ability to send or receive email, nor will they attempt to read, delete, copy, modify, or forge other users’ email.

District Websites 

    • Employees responsible for posting or managing district websites shall adhere to all guidance provided in AR 4040.4 – Web Guidelines & Publishing Standards.  Employees will not develop any unauthorized classroom or work-related websites, blogs, forums, or similar online communications representing the District or using District equipment or resources.  Such sites shall be subject to rules and guidelines established for District online publishing activities including, but not limited to, copyright laws, privacy rights, and prohibitions against obscene, libelous, and slanderous content.  Because of the unfiltered nature of blogs, any such site must include a disclaimer that the District is not responsible for the content of the messages.  The District retains the right to require the employee to delete material in violation of the law, Board Policy 4040(b), or this Administrative Regulation.
    • The District maintains a public Internet site and an in-house Intranet site. All materials published on these sites must follow the same Board Policies and Education Code Sections that apply to printed material.  These policies include restrictions on the content, nature, purpose, and volume of information to be published. Intranet pages are provided for District employees and students only.  Any information to be posted on the public Website or in-house Intranet site must be approved through Cabinet-level administrators or designee and the TIS Department.  Principal/designee must approve all postings on school websites.  Restrictions apply to links to other sites that may not be appropriate and to personal information or pictures of students without parental consent.  
    • All district website content shall conform to the following guidelines:
      • Employees creating or modifying District websites or Social Media sites must adhere to Board Policy BP 4040 (b) and BP 4040.2 and related Administrative Regulations when applicable.
      • In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, district and school web sites shall contain features that ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities, which may include, but are not limited to, captions for videos and multimedia presentations, text alternatives to images, provision of sufficient time to use the content, avoidance of flashing images, adequate contrast in visual presentations, and/or other features that meet applicable standards for web site accessibility. The Superintendent or designee shall regularly review district and school web sites and modify them as needed to ensure legal compliance with accessibility standards.
      • As applicable, district and school web sites shall provide current information regarding the district's mission and goals, district/school programs and operations, district/school news, agendas and minutes of Governing Board meetings, School Accountability Report Cards, school calendars, and links to educational resources.
      • Student work may be published on district or school web sites provided that both the student and his/her parent/guardian provide written permission or the work is part of an existing publication such as a school newspaper.
      • Any copyrighted material to be posted on a district or school web site shall be submitted to the Superintendent or designee together with the permission of the copyright owner to reprint the material. Any copyrighted material submitted without the copyright owner's permission shall only be posted on a district or school web site if the Superintendent or designee determines that the material is in the public domain or that the intended use meets the criteria for fair use or another exception pursuant to 17 USC 107-122. When any copyrighted material is posted, the web site shall include a notice crediting the copyright owner and, as necessary, shall note that permission to reprint the material was granted.

Distance Learning and Virtual Instruction

      • Staff shall refrain from downloading software to use for educational purposes without first reviewing its terms and conditions to ensure student safety and privacy and/or obtaining permission from TIS Director.
      • Before utilizing a District approved online platform to communicate with students, first consult and implement any recommended settings to establish a safe and secure learning environment and tools to minimize disruption.
      • Before recording any person during the course of online instruction, or otherwise, teachers should inform participants that they are being recorded, either by audio, video, or both.  If there is no pre-existing written notice regarding recording that is provided on the learning platform, then the teacher can provide this notice verbally.
      • Staff shall refrain from posting to the Internet or social media any recording or images of online learning without student consent and without confirming that any student that has opted-out of having their image shared is not included in the post. Teachers can confirm whether a student has opted out of disclosing their image on the Student Information System. Similarly, teachers should instruct students not to record and repost online classes or images of online classes without permission.
      • Teachers are reminded that they are mandated reporters of abuse and neglect, including while communicating online with students at home. 
      • While engaging in online instruction, staff shall maintain a neutral and appropriate background that is free from distraction.
      • Like a traditional classroom setting, teachers are required to supervise students while engaging in online instruction and refer any misconduct for discipline, as necessary.
      • Staff shall obtain permission from Superintendent/designee prior to publishing or selling any online content or lesson plans created for District student use.
      • Penalties for Violations 
      • In addition, violations of the law, Board policy, or this agreement may be reported to law enforcement agencies as appropriate. Violation of the law, Board policy, or this Acceptable Use Policy may result in a reduction in or revocation of an employee's access to district technology and/or discipline, in accordance with collective bargaining agreements, state law, and Board policy.

Limitation of Liability 

    • The District makes no warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, that the functions or the services provided by or through the District System will be error-free or without defect.  The District shall not be responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged or unavailable when using the District System or for any information that is retrieved by accessing the internet.  The District does not endorse the content of information available to employees over the internet, nor does the District guarantee the accuracy or quality of information obtained through the internet or stored on the District System. 
    • The District shall not be responsible for any unauthorized charges or fees incurred by employees from access to the internet.  The District shall not be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the District System.