Technology Integration Services » Cisco Duo

Cisco Duo

Duo Security | ChannelPro Events Team
Cisco Duo provides a two-factor authentication (2FA) solution to validate user identities, strengthening our defenses against potential cyber threats.
duo poster
Duo Setup
To get started, log in to Duo using your district email credentials: Once logged in, Duo will grant you access to authorized district software, including Aeries, Google, Microsoft, & Canvas.
Enter your email address as follows:
duo prompt 1
duo prompt 2
Duo Authentication Steps
To use Duo, you'll need a Duo hardware token or the Duo app:
  • Option 1: Use your smartphone. Download the Cisco Duo app and submit your phone number via HelpSTAR.
  • Option 2: Use a Duo token (device). Request a token through HelpSTAR. You'll be notified when it's available.
Hardware Tokens/Keychains
Push Notifications
(Mobile App)
Phone Callbacks
Instructions Instructions Instructions
A secure method that provides a passcode without using your personal device. A simple approve request sent to a registered mobile device via the Duo Mobile App. Automated call to verify identity/provide a passcode using a district device.

If you are unable to connect to Cisco Duo, check their service health dashboard.

If you have any questions, contact TIS by submitting a HelpSTAR ticket.