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Oakland Technology Exchange (OTX) Partnership
Tech Integration at Home
The District has been working diligently to integrate technology into classrooms and curricula using multiple programs, including Measure O, Project LEAN In, professional development, and student accounts in Google Apps for Education (GAFE) and Office 365. The District is extending its focus on continuous learning by partnering with the non-profit Oakland Technology Exchange (OTX) to bring the same level of access to families. Edendale was the first school to receive free computers (with monitor, keyboard, and mouse) provided by OTX for families who are or will be new to the Internet (since January 1, 2014) or need to be reconnected. Part I of the Tech Fair is open to all families and the focus is on learning about digital citizenship, GAFE, Office 365, and online apps. Families that complete Part I and are new to Internet are invited to attend Part II, where the focus is on access to technology. Topics in Part II include: how to set up their computer, basic troubleshooting, assistance signing up for Internet access for $10/month through Comcast’s Internet Essentials, and help getting equipment to the car. Since a completely free option is not available, it is suggested that site PTAs explore the possibility of providing scholarships to families that cannot afford $10/month. ACOE has offered to provide volunteers to help at the fairs. After successful completion of the Continuous Learning Tech Fairs at Edendale, Boahnnon Middle School was the second in our District to host an event in April. Both site Fairs combined, 92 families have completed the training workshops and received free desktop computers!