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Microsoft Office 365 Education

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What is Office 365 Education?

Microsoft Office 365 Education lets San Lorenzo Unified School District staff and students access Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and other web-based Microsoft apps. It also syncs with staff email accounts.

Access Office 365

As a district staff member or student, open a web browser and go to http://portal.office.com to sign in to your district account.


Office 365 Login example

Office 365 Training

Microsoft Support provides online training courses designed to help you get more work done, from anywhere on any device. Click each icon to learn more about the available web apps and classroom tools that help teachers and students work together, communicate seamlessly, and create amazing content.


 Outlook Icon         OneDrive icon         Word Icon        Excel icon        PowerPoint Icon


OneNote icon         Teams Icon        Sway Icon        Forms Icon

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