Mental Health » Coordination of Services for Students (COST)

Coordination of Services for Students (COST)

Coordination of Services Team (COST) is a team that serves to provide academic, behavioral, mental, emotional, and overall wellness support and assistance to the students in our learning community.   Our services range from providing referrals to therapeutic services, arranging parent meetings, or finding basic needs support for families. Each school site has its COST team, the team is designed to work together to help teachers, students, and families with a variety of services.
COST teams are comprised of administrators, teachers, counselors, our school site social worker, medical and mental health providers, and partners. A school site team meets every 1-2 weeks (depending on the site) to discuss student and family referrals. The team decides on an intervention and then the person who filled out the form is made aware of the next steps. Each referral is assigned to a team member to help with connecting or supporting the student or family. 
Who is the COST Team (varies by site)
School Social Worker
Assistant Principals
Teacher Leads
Attendance Office Personnel
District Child Welfare and Attendance
Social Work/ Psychology/Counseling interns
Site Therapists
School Community Liaisons 
School Psychologists
Community Agencies (REACH, Project Eden, La Clinica)
**If there is an immediate safety concern, please call 911.
What are the reasons for COST referrals? 
  • Academic: tutoring, change in motivation/grades, senior at risk of not graduating
  • Behavioral: tardies/absences, disrespectful/non-compliance, changes in behavior, conflicts/fighting
  • Socio-emotional: changes in student, possible depression, substance abuse, socially withdrawn, therapy referral
  • Home/family/medical concerns
  • Basic needs: housing, food, resources
Who can make a referral? 
  • Anyone. Typically teachers are the ones to recognize the need for help, but students/families/ staff/ CSO's/ counselors can refer
  • If appropriate, some previous intervention should have been tried before referring to COST (student/guardian contact)
  • The more information we get, the better equipped we are to provide appropriate intervention. 
How to refer?
  • All COST referrals are done through a google form. Each school has a separate link to their school’s form that goes to that COST team. To view your sites visit this link with COST Contact by Site. 
  • Most schools have the form on their website. You can also ask a teacher or office staff to help you fill one out as well. 
  • If you, your family, or your student is experiencing difficulty with learning, reach out to your District social worker to complete a COST referral form. You can find the District Social Worker's contact here