SEAL Program: Common Core State Standard Implementation
SEAL Perspectives
"Powerful language development for English Language Learners as a foundation for academic success." - Sobrato Organization
"...Strongest Foundation for academic success...bilingualism offers cognitive, social and economic benefits."-
Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL)
WHAT IS SEAL? it is a comprehensive and intensive educational model,with emphasis on enriched language and literacy education, designed for English language learners in Elementary Schools, starting in
PILAR #1: A Focus on rich, powerful, precise and academic language.
PILAR #2: Creation of an affirming and enriched environment.
PILAR #3: Articulation across grades, and alignment of the preschool and K-3 school systems.
PILAR #4: Strong partnerships between parents and teachers.
11 High-Leverage Pedagogical Practices of the SEAL Model
- Complex, Academic Vocabulary Development.
- Structured Oral Interaction and Academic Discourse.
- Exposure to Rich Literature and High-Level Informational Text.
- Purposeful, Interactive Read-Alouds.
- Authentic Writing.
- Dramatic Play and Dramatization.
- Graphic Organizers and Visuals.
- Continuous Checks for Comprehension.
- Collaborative Practice and Skills of Teamwork.
- Language Development Through Arts Infusion.
- The World in the Classroom.
SEAL Program Evaluation LCAP Presentation