English Learner Categories » SEAL Program: Common Core State Standard Implementation

SEAL Program: Common Core State Standard Implementation

SEAL Perspectives

"Powerful language development for English Language Learners as a foundation for academic success." - Sobrato Organization

"...Strongest Foundation for academic success...bilingualism offers cognitive, social and economic benefits."- acoe.org

Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL)

WHAT IS SEAL? it is a comprehensive and intensive educational model,with emphasis on enriched language and literacy education, designed for English language learners in Elementary Schools, starting in


PILAR #1: A Focus on rich, powerful, precise and academic language.

PILAR #2: Creation of an affirming and enriched environment.

PILAR #3: Articulation across grades, and alignment of the preschool and K-3 school systems.

PILAR #4: Strong partnerships between parents and teachers.

11 High-Leverage Pedagogical Practices of the SEAL Model

  1. Complex, Academic Vocabulary Development.
  2. Structured Oral Interaction and Academic Discourse.
  3. Exposure to Rich Literature and High-Level Informational Text.
  4. Purposeful, Interactive Read-Alouds.
  5. Authentic Writing.
  6. Dramatic Play and Dramatization.
  7. Graphic Organizers and Visuals.
  8. Continuous Checks for Comprehension.
  9. Collaborative Practice and Skills of Teamwork.
  10. Language Development Through Arts Infusion.
  11. The World in the Classroom.

SEAL Information