Special Services » Become a Teacher!

Become a Teacher!

Make a difference! Earn your credential and master's degree in 1 year.

As you may know there is a severe teacher shortage in California! San Lorenzo Unified is addressing this shortage and our children’s needs by recruiting and training diverse and local teacher candidates who are committed to making a difference in our community. To accomplish this, we partner with Alder Graduate School of Education which offers rigorous, equity-focused online coursework enabling participants to earn a teaching credential and a master's degree in only one year.  These teachers in training or "residents" are carefully matched with SLZUSD mentor teachers and co-teach with them for a full year, gradually assuming increasing responsibility for instruction in their classroom. 


We pay residents a $45,750 stipend to help defray cost of living.

Teachers of SPECIAL EDUCATION, math and science especially needed.

For more information, contact the program coordinator, Stacy Kaplan: [email protected]


Join us! 


ATTEND one of our live online information sessions by signing up at this link:

Information Session REGISTRATION FORM.


APPLY to become a new teacher resident with us by clicking on the link below. Apply to Alder Graduate School of Education and select San Lorenzo Unified School District (SLZUSD) as your preferred partner:

New Teacher Residency Program APPLICATION.

FIND OUT about more program details on this flyer: