School Attendance Review Team S.A.R.T. :
The School Attendance Review Team is consists of a school site administrator, the District Attendance Liaison Assistant, teachers and/or counselors. School administrators refer students and parents to the S.A.R.T. process for attendance intervention. When a student reaches three unexcused absences or tardies greater than 30 minutes or has an excessive number of absences for illness, a referral is generated. Notification of truancy is made by mail and phone calls to parents. Truancy letters are sent to families of students who are declared as truant according to Education Code. Initial letters are sent after 3 incidents of unexcused absences and then throughout the school year for additional unexcused absences. It stands as legal notification of student truancy and is the first step in the SART/SARB process. If truancy continues following parent notification, the school schedules a S.A.R.T. meeting to address the issues and offer intervention strategies and support to parents. These meetings are held monthly at each school site. If the student still does not show improved attendance the family will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (S.A.R.B.).
School Attendance Review Board S.A.R.B.:
The School Attendance Review Board is a community/school program designed to meet the needs of children and youth with attendance and behavior problems. The San Lorenzo Unified School District School Attendance Review Board is comprised of District Office Child Welfare and Attendance personnel, school psychologists, school nurses, and representatives from the following community agencies:
- Alameda County Probation Department
- Alameda County Sheriff’s Office
- Alameda County Youth and Family Services
- Eden Counseling Services
Students and families are brought before the S.A.R.B. when school site and S.A.R.T. interventions have failed to generate improved behavior and attendance. Professionals from the above community agencies make additional resources and services available to families at the S.A.R.B. meeting. California Education Code requires that students attend school full time. The S.A.R.T. and S.A.R.B. are designed to support parents in complying with the law. Failure to comply may result in a referral to the Alameda County District Attorney’s office for legal action. S.A.R.B. sessions are conducted by school districts throughout California and records are transferred between districts when students relocate to a new school.
Contact Information
(510) 317-4732